Classic Cars are Always the Answer

Kinja'd!!! "CaptDale - is secretly British" (captdale)
04/10/2019 at 17:10 • Filed to: Austin Healey

Kinja'd!!!4 Kinja'd!!! 18

I am really jonesing to finish my Healey project.

I guess that is what this fall is for


Kinja'd!!! Nothing > CaptDale - is secretly British
04/10/2019 at 17:32


Every time I decide I’m not going to get a project car, a week later, I’m looking for project cars. I’m waiting until next  spring, but next spring, I will have something.

Well, as long as I don’t find a really good deal beforehand.

Kinja'd!!! lone_liberal > CaptDale - is secretly British
04/10/2019 at 17:35


Unless the question is what should you depend on to get you to work every day. 

Kinja'd!!! CaptDale - is secretly British > Nothing
04/10/2019 at 17:35


You buy a vert project in winter when they are cheap so you can fix it in Spring

Kinja'd!!! CaptDale - is secretly British > lone_liberal
04/10/2019 at 17:44


I would trust a c lassic c ar

Kinja'd!!! Chariotoflove > CaptDale - is secretly British
04/10/2019 at 17:54


You have a Healey?  Oh yeah, I seem to remember something about that...

Kinja'd!!! lone_liberal > CaptDale - is secretly British
04/10/2019 at 17:57


I would trust a classic to get me to work on most days but if you asked me if I trust my classic car to get me to work every day, day in and day out, I’d say “no”. Any car new or old can breakdown but the odds are that the one with 50 year old parts is more likely to. It will probably be easier and, depending on the car, cheaper to fix but that doesn’t get you to work. Of course I’m writing this as somebody who dailied a classic and had the transmission fail on me. 

Kinja'd!!! CaptDale - is secretly British > Chariotoflove
04/10/2019 at 18:01




Kinja'd!!! CaptDale - is secretly British > lone_liberal
04/10/2019 at 18:02


Yeah but I they have less to go wrong and are easier to fix in most cases. I’d still try and daily one in and out every day

Kinja'd!!! Chariotoflove > CaptDale - is secretly British
04/10/2019 at 18:02



Kinja'd!!! AuthiCooper1300 > CaptDale - is secretly British
04/10/2019 at 18:14


Not really a fan of the late Spridgets but that paint s e e m s t o b e very similar to the old Aston Martin F o r e s t G r e e n M e t a l l i c . . . a t times you’d almost swear y o u a r e l o o k i n g a t a tiny DB4 Volante.

I don’ t g e t w h y those horrid plastic mirrors t h o u g h . At all.

Kinja'd!!! CaptDale - is secretly British > AuthiCooper1300
04/10/2019 at 18:19


In a later video he has a small metal one replacing the big one. I think it had to do with US regulations.

I have fender mirrors for mine


Kinja'd!!! AuthiCooper1300 > CaptDale - is secretly British
04/10/2019 at 18:28


Oh good. That means he cares about these things . ( Steering wheel looks also rather weird - wood and metal, but chunky proportions ? )

The trick with projects is to do a little every day (or at least every week). Otherwise you just lose momentum. Of course for that the car has to be nearby, which may not be your case.

D o y o u s t i l l h a v e a l o t t o d o t o y o u r s ?

Kinja'd!!! CaptDale - is secretly British > AuthiCooper1300
04/10/2019 at 18:37


Yeah I have a lot to do, but yeah the car is currently 3.5 hour drive away but that should change late this summer.

Yeah it isn’t the factory wheel which was metal and skinny bak-o-lite


I really want a Moto-Lita wheel (shown below)


But yeah you just have to tinker away at it and get it done. That being said I d o have the engine and trans being rebuilt right now so all I need to do is put it all back together (electronics , interior, trim pieces.... everything) 

Kinja'd!!! AuthiCooper1300 > CaptDale - is secretly British
04/10/2019 at 18:57


O u c h . T h a t i s f a r , b ut at lea s t s o o n i t w o n ’ t b e .

I l i k e t h e M o t o - L i t a ! But unless the rim of your steering wheel is b a d l y cracked, I’d r e a l l y leave it for later.

Maybe you’ve thought about this already but do yourself a favour and buy a new wiring loom. S e r i o u s l y . Maybe it is in OK condition and just needs a t h o r o u g h cleaning, but I doubt it. I f y o u b u y n e w f r o m B r i t a i n t h e r e a r e a c o u p l e o f p l a c e s t h a t m a y d o a c u s t o m o n e f o r y o u : f o r e x a m p l e , i f y o u w a n t m o r e f u s e s – h i g h l y r ecommended – or plan to u s e a n a l t e r n a t o r i n s t e a d o f a d y n a m o , o r w a n t to add s o m e a u x i l i ary lights, r e a r f o g l i g h t , etc .

Kinja'd!!! CaptDale - is secretly British > AuthiCooper1300
04/10/2019 at 19:13


I already have a new modern harness from Moss Motors so If I want to add the AUX lights and such I’ll have to figure it out. Other than that the ‘69 is already Negative Earth so a lternator was there from factory. Trust me a lot of the electronics are being replaced .

Yeah I will most likely wait on the wheel but I honestly do not remember what the og one looks like.

Kinja'd!!! AuthiCooper1300 > CaptDale - is secretly British
04/10/2019 at 19:26


Excellent ! But even if you don’t fit more lights you should think about adding some relays, for example .

G o o d l u c k w i t h t h e r e a s s e m b l y p r o c e s s !

Kinja'd!!! CaptDale - is secretly British > AuthiCooper1300
04/10/2019 at 19:31


May I ask why the relays?

Thank you! I am sure I will inundate Oppo with photos

Kinja'd!!! AuthiCooper1300 > CaptDale - is secretly British
04/10/2019 at 19:56


If you don’t use relays for the headlights all the current goes d i r e c t l y through the poor little switch (not v e r y good). There is also a s l i g h t voltage loss. Y o u r w i r i n g i s b r a n d n e w ( l e s s r e s i s t a n c e b e c a u s e n o c o r r o s i o n so connections won’ t t e n d t o g e t h o t ) b u t s t i l l i t i s a w o r t h w h i l e i m p r o v e m e n t .

With relays your headlights will be brighter and your switches (and connections) will last longer. It probably wouldn’t be a very bad idea to fit a relay to the starter circuit too . . . particularly if your car starts with a key, rather than a button.